Gun Wing Relena Speech The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify Speech

gun wing relena speech the gundam's will soon rectify speech

The gun wing relena speech the gundam’s will soon rectify speech intricate politics, and deep philosophical questions about war, peace, and human nature. One of the most iconic moments in this series is a speech delivered by Relena Peacecraft, a central character whose ideals of pacifism and diplomacy challenge the series’ overarching themes of conflict. The speech, often referred to as the “Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify” speech, is a pivotal moment that encapsulates Relena’s unwavering belief in justice and the role of the Gundams as instruments of rectification.

Understanding Relena Peacecraft: The Voice of Peace and Justice

Relena Peacecraft is a character who embodies the ideals of peace and justice in the chaotic world of Gundam Wing. As the daughter of King Peacecraft, a leader who dedicated his life to pacifism, Relena grows up with a strong sense of moral responsibility. Her journey from an ordinary schoolgirl to a political leader and advocate for peace is one of the most compelling arcs in the series.

Relena’s speech about the Gundam’s will is not just a declaration of her beliefs; it is a call to action for those who share her vision of a just world. In a universe where war and violence are commonplace, her words resonate with those who yearn for a different path—a path where the Gundams, though weapons of war, are seen as tools of justice that will rectify the wrongs of the past.

The Context of the Speech: A World at War

To fully appreciate the significance of Relena’s speech, it is essential to understand the context in which it was delivered. Gundam Wing is set in the After Colony timeline, a period marked by intense conflict between Earth and its space colonies. The Gundams, piloted by young soldiers, are at the center of this conflict, representing both the destructive power of war and the potential for change.

Relena’s speech comes at a time when the world is on the brink of destruction. The various factions are engaged in a seemingly endless cycle of violence, and the Gundams are both feared and revered as symbols of power. In this turbulent environment, Relena stands as a beacon of hope, advocating for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

“The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify”: A Message of Hope

In her speech, Relena speaks of the Gundam’s will as a force that will soon rectify the injustices of the world. This statement is profound in its implications. The Gundams, though created as weapons, are portrayed as instruments of a higher purpose. Relena’s belief is that these machines, guided by the will of their pilots and the principles of justice, can bring about the change that the world so desperately needs.

Her words are both a warning and a promise. A warning to those who continue to perpetuate violence and a promise to those who fight for a better future.

The Symbolism of the Gundams in Relena’s Vision

The Gundams in Gundam Wing are more than just powerful machines; they are symbols of resistance and the struggle for justice. Each Gundam is unique, representing the different ideals and goals of its pilot. Relena’s speech elevates these machines to a new level, suggesting that they have a will of their own—one that aligns with the principles of justice and rectification.

Relena’s Influence on the Gundam Pilots

Speech is not just a reflection of her own beliefs, but also an influence on the Gundam pilots themselves.  They are young, idealistic, and burdened by the weight of their responsibilities.

Relena’s words resonate with them, offering a different perspective on their mission. Her speech encourages them to see their role not just as soldiers, but as agents of justice.

Heero Yuy and the Reflection of Relena’s Ideals

Heero Yuy, the protagonist of Gundam Wing, is a complex character whose actions often blur the line between heroism and terrorism. However, as he interacts with Relena, her ideals begin to influence his actions.

Relena’s speech about the Gundam’s will soon rectify the world’s wrongs becomes a turning point for Heero. It challenges his understanding of his mission and forces him to reconsider his methods. Over time, Heero’s actions become more aligned with Relena’s vision of justice, showing the profound impact her words have on him and the other pilots.

The Duality of Peace and Power in Gundam Wing

Gundam Wing is a series that explores the duality of peace and power. The Gundams, while powerful weapons, are also symbols of hope for a better future. Relena’s speech captures this duality perfectly, emphasizing that true power lies not in the ability to destroy, but in the ability to bring about justice and peace.

The Legacy of Relena’s Speech in Gundam Wing

Relena Peacecraft’s speech has left a lasting legacy in the world of Gundam Wing. It is a moment that defines her character and sets the tone for the series’ exploration of war, peace, and justice. Her words continue to resonate with fans of the series, serving as a powerful reminder of the importance of standing up for one’s beliefs.

In the broader context of the Gundam franchise, Relena’s speech is also significant because it highlights the role of the Gundams as more than just machines of war.

The Continuing Relevance of Relena’s Message

In today’s world, the themes of Gundam Wing and Relena’s speech remain relevant. The struggle for justice, the quest for peace, and the role of power in society are issues that continue to resonate. Relena’s vision of a world where the Gundam’s will rectify wrongs is one that speaks to the universal desire for a just and peaceful society.

Her speech challenges us to think about the ways in which we use power and to consider the impact of our actions on the world. It is a call to action for those who believe in justice, reminding us that even in the face of overwhelming odds, it is possible to bring about change.

The Symbolic Power of the Gundam’s Will

The concept of the Gundam’s will as a force for rectification is a powerful one. It suggests that there is a moral force at work in the universe, one that will ultimately bring about justice. This idea resonates with the series’ broader themes of destiny and the role of individuals in shaping the future.

Relena Peacecraft: A Leader Ahead of Her Time

Relena Peacecraft’s leadership and vision make her one of the most memorable characters in Gundam Wing. Her speech about the Gundam’s will is a testament to her belief in the power of justice and her commitment to a peaceful world. Despite the challenges she faces, Relena remains steadfast in her ideals, making her a leader ahead of her time.

Her influence extends beyond the world of Gundam Wing, inspiring viewers to think critically about the nature of power, justice, and peace. In a series dominated by conflict, Relena’s message of hope and rectification is a beacon of light, reminding us of the importance of standing up for what is right.


Relena Peacecraft’s speech in Gundam Wing, known as the “Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify” speech, is a defining moment in the series. It encapsulates her belief in justice, the role of the Gundams as instruments of change, and the possibility of a better future. Her words continue to resonate with audiences, serving as a powerful reminder of the importance of peace, justice, and the responsible use of power.


What is the significance of Relena Peacecraft’s speech in Gundam Wing?
Relena’s speech is significant because it encapsulates her beliefs in peace and justice, highlighting the role of the Gundams as instruments of rectification in a world plagued by conflict.

How does Relena Peacecraft influence the Gundam pilots?
Relena’s ideals, expressed in her speech, influence the Gundam pilots by encouraging them to see their mission as one of justice rather than just combat, impacting their actions and decisions throughout the series.

What does Relena mean by “The Gundam’s Will Soon Rectify”?
Relena refers to the idea that the Gundams, while powerful weapons, have a higher purpose of bringing justice and rectifying the wrongs in the world, aligning with her vision of a peaceful future.

How does Relena’s speech reflect the duality of power in Gundam Wing?
Relena’s speech reflects the duality of power by emphasizing that true power lies not in destruction, but in the ability to bring about peace and justice, a central theme in Gundam Wing.

What is the legacy of Relena’s speech in the Gundam franchise?
The legacy of Relena’s speech is its enduring message of hope, justice, and the responsible use of power, making it a memorable and influential moment in the Gundam franchise.