How To Choose The Right Paint For Your Home Exterior: Experts Explain

The Right Paint For Your Home Exterior

Are you looking for home exterior renovations ideas, then this one is for you. We mention some highly-practical tips by industry experts to help you achieve those desired aesthetics. Your home’s exterior is not just your home’s facade but also yours too, hence, the choice of paint goes beyond bare aesthetics.

We talk to home renovation experts at Expert Paint Melbourne to dig and understand what factors should be considered in exterior renovation.

Hence, we mention exactly those factors that influence home exterior looks. From climatic conditions to material choice, and to finally choosing the colors for your home facade.

Join us, and explore experts ways to choose the right paint for your home exterior:

Consider Your Regional Climatic Conditions

Your regional climatic conditions are going to dictate the every aspect of your home renovations, especially, that are linked to paint. Here is how different weather conditions affect your choice:

  • Hot and Humid Weather: With this type of climatic conditions, opt for painting materials like anti-mildew properties and high UV resistance. Materials like acrylic latex paints are a good choice as they resist fading and mildew.
  • Cold Climates: In winters, opt for materials that can withstand cold temperatures without peeling or cracking. You can consider materials like paints that are oil-based or latex paints.
  • Rainy Climates: In rainy weather conditions, choose water-resistant paints. Opt for materials like elastomeric based, because they have the capability to expand with surface, which helps preventing water infiltration.

The Right Paint Type

There are numerous types of paints, hence, choosing the right one can be messy, but only when you don’t have right information. Here are some common types of painting materials, you can choose them accordingly to your preferences.

Latex Paints: It is considered a very durable and flexible type of paint, best in case someone want resistance to fading and ease in maintenance.

Acrylic Paint: This paint type is considered best for exterior surfaces. It has capabilities like durability, flexibility, and resistance to fading.

Oil-Based Paint: For much glossy or semi glossy look you can consider oil-based paints. But be aware that these kinds of paints takes much longer to dry off.

Elastomeric Paint: These are paints types that are known for their extensive water-resistant properties. These are like only options for homeowners who are living in rainy regions.

Types Of Paint Finishes

The overall finishes of house painting depend upon the type and color of paint, also by the building materials of intended materials. Here is a quick walk through of popular house painting finishes.

1.Matte/Flat Finishes

This is considered a modern-day finish, like the name there are no such glossy elements in this finish. These finishes are ideal for older homes and surfaces that some minor flaws.

2. Satin or Eggshell Finishes

These finishes offers are slight gloss on the surface, also, these surfaces are more ease to wipe and clean as compared to matte ones. These are suitable for most exterior surfaces.

3.Semi Gloss Finishes

These are more durable than satin and matte finishes. Making them ideal for trim, doors, and windows.

4. Gloss Finishes

These are highly reflective and extremely durable. Best for crowdy areas like living room, kitchen.

The Color Selection

Nowadays, choosing a right type and color of paint, can be very messy, because there are too many options. So, it can be very easy if you are very specific about your desires. Here are some practical tips to choose colors for your exterior:

1. Consider Your Home Architectural Design

Homes with traditional design are good with colors like whites, grays, and beiges. Modern homes are more good with bold color schemes.

2. Consider your surroundings

in case, you choose colors that totally different from your surroundings, it will cast overwhelming expressions. Making your house unusual to look at.

3.Test Samples

Opt to test your chosen colors before application process. May the colors don’t go well when they are painted. You can use 3D rendering software packages to virtually have an idea how a color will look it applied.

4. Have A Vision

Choose colors schemes that are either timeless or if there is demand in future for those colors.

Surface Preparation

Surface preparation is an dictative aspect of house paint, doesn’t matter if it is interior or exterior. Hence, surface preparation is not a thing to ignore. It is a must do job. Proper surface preparation includes, inspecting, repairing, cleaning, sanding, and also applying a primer. If you skip this step it will leads to peeling, cracking, and premature fading.

When To Hire Professional Painters?

Hiring professional painters can be costly, but it will give you benefits for a longer period. Being a DIY person can be good, but there are some work is painting, like painting exterior, it is a kind of job that is better to leave onto professional painters.

Professional painters can assist you in all aspects of house painting, from accessing your building materials to choosing the right type of paint to right type of colors, and also in the application process. Opt to hire local and trusted professional painters to enhance your home’s facade.